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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: God Is Not Through Blessing You
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: GMWA Mass Choir 

If you're looking for a blessing
and it seems it just won't come;
doors are shut and friends are few,
and it seems you're all alone.
But the devil is a liar and a deciever too,
my God is not through blessing you.

Verse 2
You've been waiting on deliverence
and it seems it just won't come;
body sick, pains everywhere,
and it seems nobody cares.
But the devil is a liar and a deciever too,
my God is not through blessing you.

Chorus 1
God is not through blessing you.
God is not through blessing you,
whatever whatever the problem,
my God is able to do;
my God is not through blessing you.

Chorus 2
God is not through blessing you.
God is not through blessing you,
so don't ever, ever give up
for He is able to do;
my God is not through blessing you.

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