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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: I'll Be With You (That's What He Said)
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When the storms rise, and the winds blow, God said
(I'll be with you, that's what he said)
When you're up, when you're down, almost never to the ground, God said
(I'll be with you, that's what he said)
Through thick, through thin, from the beginning right to the end, God said
(I'll be with you, that's what he said)


Said He would be with me, when the storms are raging
Said he would be with me, when sea billows roll
Hold on, hold on
I'll be with you, that's what He said

Said He would be with me, when the storms are raging
Said he would be with me, when sea billows roll
Hold on, hold on
Through the fire and the flood
I am covered by His blood
I'll be with you, that's what He said

If God (Said it) That settles (That set-tles it)
If God (Said it) That settles (That set-tles it)

I'll be with you, that's what He said
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