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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: No Heart Beats
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: Iona 

Song of Solomon 8 v 6-7

No heart beats like Your heart
Keeping me in time
No hand as warm as Your hand
Holding onto mine
No eyes can see through me
No smile ever drew me, like Yours

And no voice like Your voice
Can calm my fears
And no prayers like Your prayers
Can move me to tears
And no arm around me
Can fully surround me
Like Yours ...
No heart beats like Yours
Like Yours ...
No heart beats like Yours
Like Your love for me

Place me like a seal over Your heart
For love is as strong as death
It burns like a blazing fire
Like a mighty flame

No heart beats like Your heart
Keeping me in time
No hand as warm as Your hand
Holding onto mine
No eyes can see through me
No smile ever drew me
No eyes can see through me
No smile ever drew me
And no arm around me
Can fully surround me
And no arm around me
Can fully surround me
Like Yours ...
No heart beats like Yours
Like Yours ...
No heart beats like Yours
Like Your love for me

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