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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: Good Thing
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: Out of Eden 

It's easy to see that your mecy for me runs deeper than I ever could imagine
You love me as I am, though you know what I should be
That's why loving you has now become my passion

Ain't nothn' but a good thing [ Oh don't you know that it's true ]
Ain't nothin' but a good thing [ I am devoted to you ]
Ain't nothin' but a good thing [ You put a smile on my face ]
Ain't nothin' but a good thing
Ain't nothin' but a good thing

It's your love for me that has helped me to see
That people need to give to live together
If only I could love the way that you love, it would simply make the world a little better

I don't know what you see in me
But I know your love is all I need
And to the world this light I show
And maybe they would know that it


Ooooh, Ooooh
All this love, all this love I tell ya
All this love you're giving, all this love I'm gettin'
All this love you've shown me.


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