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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: Search Me Lord
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: William Atkins 

Search me Lord, search me Lord;
Turn a light from heaven on my soul.
If you find anything that shouldn't be,
Take it out and straighten me.
I want to be right, I want to saved, I want to be whole.

VERSES 1, 2 & 3
You know when I'm right,
You know when I'm wrong.
You know where I go,
And you know where I belong.
You know all that I do,
You know all my secrets too.
Lord search me, touch me, clean me through and through.

You know all my thoughts;
My every word and deed.
Lord you know my want,
And you knoe my every need.
There may be something there,
Of which I'm not aware.
Lord take it, move it, keep me in your care.

Lord I try to pray, and serve you everyday.
Keep me ever meek, and humble on the way.
If this don't suffice, and satisfy the Christ,
Lord tell me, show me, help me to be right.
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