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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: I Won't Be Persuaded
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: Margaret Becker 

To be so close to the pain
When I know the one
Who loves me most
Could make it all change

Sometimes I'm lost
In the land of questioning
And I rub together timesless truths
Like flint and stone in the rain
And I don't understand where you are in all this
Still I wait and hope and pray and wish

And I won't be persuaded
Still I will believe beyond what I can see
No, I won't be persuaded
Not after all that we've been through
I won't turn my back on you

What would I hold
If not this simple thread
Cords of mercy bound together
Whit you on the other end

What can I do
When I cannot see your hands
That keep reaching out as if
You're never far from where I stand
But I don't understand where you are in all this
Still I remind myself to trust in you
'Cause I know what love is


Oh, I know you love me so
Still I get so tired sometimes
Won't you lift me up my love


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