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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: The Blood Of Jesus Is Against You
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: Jackson Southeneers 

Oh Satan the Blood of Jesus is against you Repeat 3x
the blood of against you right now

I know it was the blood, I know it was the blood, I know it was the blood
One day when I was lost, He died upon the cross. I know it was the blood saved me

I love the Lord he her my cry, and he pitted every groan
One day when I was lost, He died upon the cross. I know it was the blood saved me

(Drive)The blood of Jesus is against you
talking about the blood, talking about the blood Anybody been saved by the blood of Jesus, My bible tells me they took Jesus, the
led him up a hill called Mt. Calvary He bled and he died, The tell me, The were separated, the blood of Jesus, On the third day
He got up, Jesus got, with all power, Over life and death is still in my hand
If he had died people who have been dead for 1000's of years would have got up
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