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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: Healed
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: Shirley Caesar 

Healed by Shirley Caesar
Album: He's Working It Out For You

I'm healed by the power of God
Healed by the power of God
Without a doubt the Lord will
bring you out
By His stripes I am healed

It's no secret what God can do
What He's done for others He can
do for you
When I call on that great name
He touched my body and I am no
longer the same


The enemy tried to take my eyesight
But I refuse to give up the fight
When I call on that great name
He touched my body and I am no
longer the same


Healed by the power, the power of
the Lord
Healed by the power, the power of
the Lord
By His stripes I am healed.

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