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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: Here In My Heart
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: Susan Ashton 

Wondering, waiting, restless for a sign
I thought You walked so slow, in my haste I left You behind
Caught in the pace of this madness, searching for shelter I find
(That) here in my heart there's a refuge waiting
Here in my heart You just won't let me go
I could run away, run away, but You stay here in my heart

Meaning, purpose got lost in pursuit of my dreams
I've been longing, aching, in quest for a love that's supreme
I couldn't see You were reaching, but I should've known all along


Caught in this place of madness, searching for shelter to find


...I could run away, run away

I could run away, run away

I could run away, run away, run away

Oh but You stay

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