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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: God Will Surely Answer Prayer
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: Joe Pace 

God Will Surely Answer Prayer
(written by Joseph Pace)
(recorded by Joe Pace & The Colorado Mass Choir)

I know that God will surley answer prayer,
God will surley answer prayer,
God will surley answer prayer,
God will surley answer prayer.

God will surley answer prayer,
God will surley answer prayer,
God will surley answer prayer,
God will surley answer prayer.

You see it came to pass all of my heartaches,
it came to pass all of my sorrows,
it came to pass all of my tear drops,
it came to pass all of my troubles.

It came to pass all of my heartaches,
it came to pass all of my sorrows,
it came to pass all of my tear drops,
it came to pass all of my troubles.

God will surley answer prayer
(repeat as desired)

Praise Ye the Lord,
praise ye the Lord,
praise ye the Lord,
praise ye the Lord.

The Lord, the Lord,
the Lord, the Lord.

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