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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: All In Favor
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: Larnelle Harris 

The Lord Jesus deserves our praise
Will somebody simply agree
Where two or more are gathered in His name
He said there He would be
I want to second the motion
To carry out the Father's plan

So if you love my Jesus let me see your hand
If you love my Jesus take a stand
Do you love Him? Yes
Then all in favor say, "I"
Do you love Him? Yes
All in favor say, "I"

If you don't stand up for what is right
You're gonna fall for anything
Come on and cast your vote for Jesus Christ
Claim Him as your King
I want to second the motion
To carry out the Father's plan

Repeat Chorus

Can I get a witness to testify for the Lord
Someone who is not ashamed to stand upon His word

Repeat Chorus

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