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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: I Love Him
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: Chicago Mass Choir 

I Love Him
(written by Curtis Brown)
(recorded by Chicago Mass Choir)

Verse 1:
Look what You have done for me,
You died upon Calvary,
shed Your precious blood for me so I could live abundantly.

Yes, I love Him, I love Him, I really do.
Yes, I love Him, I love Him, I love Jesus.
I love Him, I love Him, I really do.
Yes, I love Him, I love Him.

Verse 1


Verse 2:
What manner of man is this,
laid down His life for our sins,
gave His life unselfishly,
I love Him 'cause He first loved me.


With all my heart, my mind, my soul I give to You.
Thankful for all the things that You do.

With all my heart, my mind, my soul I give to You.
Thankful for all the things that You do.

I love Him, I love Him,
I love Him, I love Jesus.

Vamp 2:
I love Him, I love Him.
I love Him, I love Him.

Vamp 3:
Jesus, I love Him.
Jesus, I love Him.

Vamp 4:
Jesus, Jesus,
Jesus, Jesus.

I love Him.
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