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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: Count It All Joy
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: Darrel Petties 

"Count It All Joy"

Verse 1:

My brother
Count it all joy
When you go into divers temptations
Knowing this that the trying of my faith, worketh patience
Knowing this that the trying of my faith, worketh patience.
Don't feel bad
No he'll understand


Count it all
Count it all joy
Count it all
Count it all joy

Repeat Verse 1:


Count it now, all joy (tenors)
Count it now, all joy (tenors)
Count it all, Count it all (altos/sopranos)
All joy (everyone)
Count it, Count it (sopranos)
All joy (everyone)
Count it all (sopranos)
Count it all joy
Count it all
Count it all joy
Count it all (altos/sopranos)
Count it all joy
Count it all
Count it all joy
Count it all (everyone)
Count it all joy
Repeat numerous times

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