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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: Dry Bones
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Dry Bones

All them bones, all them bones,
In the morning, all them bones,
Dry bones gonna rise again

Some of them bones, my mothers bones;
Some of them bones, my fathers bones
Dry bones gonna rise again

Sinners go to the meeting house to sing and shout,
By the preacher surely will turn them out
Dry bones gonna rise again

If you want to get a seat in heaven on high,
Dont you steal, dont youdulter, and dont you lie
Dry bones gonna rise again

Got my religion and I got it good and strong,
Cause God Almighty never done me wrong
Dry bones gonna rise again

God called Ezekiel by His word:
"Go down and prophesy!"
"Yes, Lord!"

Ezekiel prophesied by the power of God
Commanded the bones to rise"
"Dry bones, they gonna walk around
Dry Bones, they gonna walk around,
Dry bones, why dont you rise
and hear the Word of the Lord!"

("Tell me, how did the bones get together
with the leg bone? Prophesy!")

Ah well:
The toe bone connected with foot bone;
The foot bone connected with the ankle bone;
The ankle bone connected with the legbones;
The leg bone connected with the knee bone;
The knee bones connected with the thigh bone;
Rise and hear the Word of the Lord
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