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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: Bread Of Heaven
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: John P. Kee 

Bread Of Heaven
(written by John P.Kee)
(recorded by Victory In Praise (VIP) Music & Arts Seminar Mass Choir)

Verse 1:
Bread of heaven, bread of heaven,
feed me 'til I want no more.

Bread of heaven, bread of heaven,
feed me 'til I want no more.

Verse 2:
Speaking clearly to my heart,
hope and wisdom You impart.

I've been tested and subdued,
but Thy Word shall bring me through.

Verse 3:
What a week, it has passed,
every trial I'll outlast.

What a week, it has passed,
every trial I'll outlast.

Verse 4:
Lift a banner, hold it high,
for my miracles coming nigh.

Lift a banner, hold it high,
for my miracles coming nigh.

Verse 3

Verse 5:
No more crumbs on the table,
let Thy Word show me favor.

Verse 1

Vamp 1:
Feed me 'til I want no more,
feed me 'til I want no more.

Feed me 'til I want no more,
feed me.

Vamp 2:
I love the Word.
I love the Word.
I love the Word.

Vamp 3:
Feed me, feed me.
Feed me, feed me.
Feed me, feed me.
Feed me.
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