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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: Sanctified And Holy
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: Wanda Nero Butler 

Sanctified and Holy- Wanda Nero Butler
Written by Wanda Nero Butler

Sanctified and holy
The Lord hath made me
Sanctified and holy
(T,B) The Lord hath made name! (S,A = O, glory to His name)
Sanctified and Holy
The Lord hath made me
Sanctified and holy
(T,B) The Lord hath made (S,A = O, glory to His name)
Reached out
Saved me
From the clutches of
The enemy
(S) And when I was falling down
Picked me up and gave me a crown
(A) Crown
(B) Crown!
Sanctified and holy
The Lord hath made me
Sanctified and holy
(T,B) The Lord hath made name! (S,A = O, glory to His name)
Sanctified and Holy
The Lord hath made me
Sanctified and holy

(T,B) The Lord hath made
(S,A = O, glory to His name)
Reached out
Saved me
From the clutches of
The enemy
(S) And when I was falling down
Picked me up and gave me a crown
(A) Crown
(T,B) Crown!
O, glory to His name
O, glory to His name
(modulate and repeat this stanza 2 more times)
Come on everybody get up out of your seat
Praise the Son of God with me.
Everybody get up out of your seat
Praise the Son of God with me.
(repeat this stanza 2 more times)
(modulate and repeat 2 more times)
Sanctified and holy
The Lord hath made me
Sanctified and holy
(T,B) The Lord hath made name!
(S,A = O, glory to His name)
Sanctified and holy
The Lord hath made me
Sanctified and holy

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