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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: Your Love Never Fails Me
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: Jeff Anderson 

Take it slowly my heart is fragile and not ready
I hear your voice call to me
Though I am tired I am willing to go with you.
Your love never fails me
Though the world around me crumbles
And the voices in my head
Say I can't do this I will go with you
You hold the keys to my dreams
I will move forward if you'll let me
When I'm with you I am free
Apart from you I can do nothing
So come and take me
Your love never fails me
Though the world around me crumbles
And the voices in my head
Say I can't do this I will go with you

All songs Written by Jeff Anderson 2004 Emack Music / Arvide Entertainment - Admin by EMI CMP (ASCAP)

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