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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: Love Follows Through
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: Jeni Varnadeau 

D.K. McKelvey, E. Quiram, J. Varnadeau
Ephesians 2:4-9, 2 Corinthians 5:14

Did you believe
Love was a bird to snare
Quickly before it flew?
Only to find love couldn't be tamed, and
Love was hunting you
Through the dark places inside of your
Wherever you hide is not too far
So come into the light
Surrender in His arms

It keeps rushing in
There's no end
So relentless
Love will pursue
Even when hearts fall away from truth
Love follows through

Did you believe
Love could be earned like it was
Something you win or lose?
Only to find you didn't deserve it, but
Love was winning you
Though you tried
You never could be
By the life that you lead
What you find
Is grace for the weak
And love too deep to speak

Love never fails
It's as piercing as nails
But more gentle than a summer rose
It covers your scars
And beckons your heart
Open wide to
The lover of your soul

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