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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: Stand Out
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: Jessie Daniels 

You're staring in the mirror and your looking back at me
Somehow you've replaced yourself and don't like what you see
You've been a slave far too long to what other people think
So you bend and you break and you lose along the way
What once was beautiful I want to

Stand out
I wanna stand tall
I wanna be myself even if it means
I won't fit in at all
I wanna be real
I wanna be me
Cause everything I am is who I'm meant to be
I was meant to be free

Why are we so quick to hide originality
We try and try to fit inside a false reality
We're all the same when it comes to putting on the face
And its such a shame
Oh its such a waste
Cause what makes us beautiful
Is what makes us


We are we are beautiful
We are we are beautiful

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