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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: I Feel Like Going On
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: Edwin Hawkins 

I feel like going on

Though trials come on every hand

I feel like going on

Feel like going on

Yeah Yeah

I feel like going on

I gotta go - say that I

I feel like going on

Say Say

Though the storm may be raging
And the billows are tossing high, but

I feel like going on

Say Go head, go head, go head, say
that I - I feel - you know I feel

Feel like going on

You know I - I g on, go on, go on

Feel like going on


Though the storm may be raging
And the billows are tossing high,
I feel like going on

(ad lib)

I feel like going on

(ad lib)

Gotta keep moving, going on, keep on
going on

Though trials come on every hand,
I feel like going on

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