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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: He Has Done Great Things
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: Jeff Banks 

He Has Done Great Things
(written by Linelle Andrews)
(recorded by Bishop Jeff Banks & The Revival Temple Community Choir)

He has done great things,
He has done great things,
He has done great things;
He has done great things for me.

Verse 1
A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing.
God never change, He still remains the same,
He's done great things for me.


Verse 2
There was a time I was lost in sin,
but Jesus found me and He gave me peace within
When I was alone, He said, Child you are my own,
He's done great things for me.


Vamp 1
He has done great things,
He has done great things for me.

Vamp 2
Ooo done great things,
He has done great things for me.

Vamp 1

He has done great things for me.
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