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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: Unity
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: Music Ministry Workshop 

"How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in Unity!"
Psalm 133:1

Behold how good
and how pleasant it is
for kindred to dwell together in unity

Behold how good
and how pleasant it is
for kindred to dwell together in unity

Unity, Unity
Lord we pray for Unity

Unity, Unity
Lord we pray for Unity

Text: Psalm 133:1, Glorraine Moone, copyrighted 1989,
published by Professionals for Christ, Publications (BMI)
Tune: Glorraine Moone, copyrighted 1989; arr. by Dr. Daniel Mario Cason II. Published by Professionals for Christ Publications (BMI); adapt. Valeria Foster, copyrighted 2000, GIA Publications, Inc.

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