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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: Day of Freedom
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: Lampa, Rachael 

Words & Music by Chris Eaton, Brent Bourgeois and Cindy Morgan

One man lived to bring a vision
One man died to save a nation
One voice calls us all to freedom
In the name of love

Reaching out to one another
Joining hands of every color
Name each one a sister and brother
In the name of love
Let us praise the name of Jesus
All across the world

We're all children of the faith
And though we walk in different ways
Let's live our lives to celebrate
The day of freedom

Tore down all the walls between us
Broke up all the chains that bound us
Found the common ground beneath us
In the name of love
Let us step into the water
Let us drink the blood of Jesus
No more wars to separate us
In the name of love
Let us build a bridge that reaches
All across the world

We're all children of the faith
And though we walk in different ways
Let's live our lives to celebrate
The day of freedom

? 2000 Dayspring Music, Inc./SGO Music Publishing, Ltd. (Admin. by Dayspring Music, Inc.)/BMI/Wordspring Music, Inc./ADC Music (Admin. by Wordspring Music, Inc.)/SESAC/ Word Music, Inc./Lola Max Music (Admin. by Word Music, Inc.)/ASCAP

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