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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: There's A Reason
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: Mercy Me 

Now's the tome
Let the redeemed celebrate
If you know what I know
You can't wipe the smile off your face
Oh people, stand up and praise

There's a reason to dance
There's a reason to sing
Of the sacred romance
With our Savior and King
We lift up our hands
We fall on our knees
To the Son of Man
The reason we are free
There's a reason

All glory to
The King of Kings, Lord if Lords
Oh the value of Your worth
No worldly treasures can afford
And we praise You forevermore


There's a reason to stand
There's a reason to shout, to shout Your name on high
So we take up our cross, there's a reason to die
Because Jesus is alive

There's a reason


There's a reason
You are the reason
The reason we are free

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