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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: Time In Praise (All Day Long)
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: GMWA Women of Worship 

'Time In Praise (All Day Long)
(recorded by Gospel Music Workshop of America (GMWA) Women of Worship)

All day long Ive been with Jesus All day long my lips have uttered praise All day long my heart, my souls been
lifted in worship
All day long I have been with Him
(Repeat as directed)
No way could I ever honor You enough
For all you have done for me
So I will offer up thanksgiving
from my heart
And praise continually
(Repeat as directed)
ALLELUIA Alleluia, Alleluia,
Alleluia, Alleluia,
Alleluia, Alleluia,
Alleluia, Alleluia.
I will praise Him, ....
I will serve Him, ....
Hes my Savior, ....
He is worthy, ....
Lord, we love you

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