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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: Survivor
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: Normals 

I stand on the bloodfield
Shell-shocked and guilty
The sole survivor escaped what we all had coming
And feelings are fiction
As we watch our loved ones diving
And for some strange reason we just keep on marching
The ice that drips from isolation has melted me to this
In all of my power this is all I can offer
And it's broken it's broken it's broken
But somewhere the good King has been claiming His victory
And it's offered it's offered it's offered
To the survivor
My greatest confession is that what I claim dearly
Is the very thing that leaves me so scared
I know peace lies in silence and prayer is its heartbeat
But I don't feel it beating in me
What if I find in the quiet that all I am is the sum of my habits
In all of my power this is all I can offer
And it's broken it's broken it's broken,
But somewhere the good king has been claiming His victory
And it's offered to me to me
And your answer to my questions is be still and know that I Am
And I Am Love
I Am and I Am Love
And right here the good king has been claiming His victory
And it's offered it's offered it's offered
It's given it's given it's given to the survivor.

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