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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: We Worship You
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: John P. Kee 

We Worship You
(written by John P. Kee)
(recorded by Victory In Praise (V.I.P.) Music & Arts Mass Seminar)

Verse 1
Oh how we worship You,
for You're Savior, oh so sweet,
Your joy complete inside of me.
Oh how we worship You,
for the love You have for me,
can't be compared, faithful King.

Oh how we worship You,
Oh how we worship You,
Oh how we worship You, Christ our King.

Verse 2
Oh how we honor You
for You're faithful unto us
and You deserve the highest praise
oh holy Lamb of God.
How Your excellence and glory can't be shared
no one compares.


Vamp 1
We worship You,
Oh how we worship You

Vamp 2
We worship You,
oh, how we do,
oh how we worship You.

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