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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: I Still Hear Mama Praying
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: Chester D. T. Baldwin 

I Still Hear Mama Praying
(written by Chester D.T. Baldwin)
(recorded by Chester D.T. Baldwin & Music Ministry Mass)

I still hear mama praying,
I still hear mama praying;
and the prayers that she prayed,
they're still keeping me day by day;
oh I still hear mama praying for me.

Verse 1:
When mama bowed her head
And knelt down in fervent prayer
She knew how to call on the name of Jesus
For she knew that he'd meet her there
Oh, she thank him for health and for strength
Just to run this Christian race
Oh but she never, she never failed
To pray, pray for children
Saying Lord save them by your grace


Verse 2:
Now the one that you call mama
She may be sleeping in the arms of our God
But the memories of the family devotion
Causes us to always trust in our Lord
Oh, she prayed for the Lord to bless and keep her children
Always let the love of God abide
Oh and the prayer that she prayed will cover
Cover us till we meet her, meet her on the other, other side

Pray for me,
pray for me.


Oh, I still hear mama praying for me.
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