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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: Oh Give Thanks
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: Wilbur Belton & The Ladwec Music Mass Choir 

Oh give thanks unto the Lord
His mercy endureth forever
Make known his deeds all over the land
His mercy endureth forever
My God's been good
He's worthy to be praised

Vs. 2
Oh that men would praise the Lord
His mercy endureth forever
To him alone the honor and praise
His mercy endureth forever
My God's been good
He's worthy to be praised
God's been great

(Repeat Vs.2)

For the mercy of the Lord endureth forever (Repeat 2x's; add alto)

Mercy of the Lord endureth forever
(Repeat 2x's; add tenor)

Mercy of the Lord endureth forever
(Repeat 2x's modulate)

For the mercy of the Lord endureth forever

Mercy of the Lord edureth forever

Ah Ooh

(Repeat Modulation 2x's)

Ah Ooh

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