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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: Absent From The Body (More Of The Story)
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: Brenda Waters 

Absent From The Body (More Of The Story)
(written by Brenda Waters)
(recorded by Brenda Waters)

Verse 1:
If you miss me from singing down here,
come on up to bright glory, I'll be there.
Where the sun and the sky shall be dim
for the Son of God will light the New Jerusalem forever.

Verse 2:
If I'm not in my regular pew,
I'll be gone up to glory with new things to do;
I'll be walking the streets of gold and my eyes shall behold
the One who made the New Jerusalem, I will be there forever.

I'm going home one day,
going home to stay.

Sopranos: I am going home...
Altos/Tenors: yes...

Sopranos: Yes, home...
Altos: Yes, home...

Sopranos: never more...
Altos/Tenors: never more...
All: to roam.

Ill be absent from the body,
present with the Lord.

Verse 3:
I'm going to see my King,
and when I get there I'm going to tell Him everything.
I'll be walking the streets of gold,
my Savior's face I'll behold;
I'll be absent from the body but don't you worry 'bout me,
I'll be present with my Lord.

Vamp 1:
Present with the Lord.

Vamp 2:
present with the Lord.

Thank You Jesus,
present with...

Everybody talking about heaven aint going there,
ooh, present with the Lord.

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