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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: Help Me Lift Him Up
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: Keith Pringle 

Help Me Lift Him Up
(written by George Maize)
(recorded by Keith Pringle & The Pentecostal Community Choir)

Help me lift Him up,
help me lift Him up,

Sopranos help me,
Altos help me,
Tenors help me,
All lift Him up.

Help me lift Him up,
help me lift Him up,

Sopranos help me,
Altos help me,
Tenors help me,
All lift Him up.

Verse 1
How to reach the masses, men of every birth,
(help me lift Him up).
For an answer, Jesus gave the key,
(help me lift Him up).

Verse 2
For the world is hungry for the living word,
(help me lift Him up).
Lify up the Savior for all men to see,
(help me lift Him up).

Clap your hands, pat your feet,
get up out of your seat;
help me lift Him up.

Clap your hands, pat your feet,
get up out of your seat;
help me lift Him up.

Sopranos Higher
Altos help me lift Jesus.

Sopranos Higher
Altos/Tenors help me lift Jesus.

Help me, help me,
help me lift Him higher.
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