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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: We Have Come To Praise Him
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: Maurette Brown-Clark 

We Have Come To Praise Him
(written by Herman Harris)
(recorded by Maurette Brown-Clark)

Verse 1:
Come let us adore Him.
come let us adore Him.

Come let us adore Him,
Jesus Christ our Lord.

Come let us adore Him.
come let us adore Him.

Come let us adore Him,
Jesus Christ our Lord.

Verse 2:
Jesus, You are holy,
Jesus, You are holy.

Jesus, You are holy,
I sing to You my song.

Jesus, You are holy,
Jesus, You are holy.

Jesus, You are holy,
I sing to You my song.

For You are worthy,
worthy, worthy,
Jesus Christ our Lord.

Jesus Christ our Lord.
(repeat as desired)

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