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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: Sandee
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: This Train 

(Music: Mark, Andon T. Davis, Jr./ Words: "Stoney")

For some reason, we've been getting tons of CB interference at the studio lately. One night it was coming out of the guitar amp, as loud if not louder than the guitar itself. Me and some friends were messing around on some lounge type tune when "Stoney" appeared. Apparently he was seeing if his wife, "Lady Stoney" had her ears on. Jordan had the foresight to capture this bizarre moment on tape, so we thought we'd share it with you.

Sandy, don't forget to call me

Sandy, what are you doing?


[Mark: Bass/ With: Andon Davis: Guitar/ Steve Latanation: Drums/ "Stoney": CB non-sequitors]

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