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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: Followers of Christ
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: Florida A&M University Gospel Choir 

Followers Of Christ
(written by L. Spencer Smith)
(recorded by Florida A&M University Gospel Choir)

We have a message to tell ya
that Jesus Christ, He is the answer for you,
I have a light and I'm gonna let it shine;
I'm a follower of Christ, I'm a follower of Christ.

Living in a dark world, chilly and cold,
we need to lift up a standard.
Calling on the young and the old,
they are all longing, longing to love Him and keep them,
those who are not ashamed to praise His holy name.


I'm not ashamed of the gospel for it's the power of God.
I'll be a witness wherever I go;
I'm a follower Christ, I'm a follower of Christ.

Vamp 1
Of Christ, of Christ, of Christ, of Christ.
Of Christ, of Christ, of Christ, of Christ.

Vamp 2
Of Christ, of Christ, of Christ, of Jesus Christ.

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