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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: Hello Mother
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: Canton Spirituals 

Hello Mother
By Canton Spirituals

I had a dream one night
I dreamed I went home
To live with Jesus
And when I got there
One of the first things I saw was Mommas face
I began to sing a song that I never sung in my life

And my song said
Hello Mother
I done made it over
Hello Mother
I done made it over
And I dont know about you
But sometimes I had to cry
But he wiped the tears
From my eyes
And I made it over
And Im alright now

(One more time)
Hello mother
I done made it over
You know what
I got mistreated sometimes
Thats alright
Still I made it over

I dont know about yall but
Sometimes I had to cry
Sometimes enemies
Went all the way around me
But I kept on singing
Kept on praying
Kept on praying

He wiped the tears
From my eyes
I made it over
I made it over
And Im alright now

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