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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: He Is The Way
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: Here II Praise 

He Is The Way
(written by Freda Battle)
(recorded by Here II Praise)

He is the way, the truth and the light,
If you want to enter in,
You must come in by Him.

He is the way, the truth and the light,
If you want to enter in,
You must come in by Him.

For broad is the road that leads to destruction,
but narrow is the way that leads to salvation.

Say what you will,
Say what you will, what you will
He is the way, can't make me doubt Him.

Say what you will,
Say what you will, what you will,
He is the way,

Sopranos way,
Altos way
Tenors way
All I know that...


The only way to get the Father is through His son,
That is through our Lord King Jesus, He's the only one.

The only way to get the Father is through His son,
That is through our Lord King Jesus, He's the only one;
He is the way.


He is the way.
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