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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: Praise Him
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: Youth For Christ 

Get up out of your seat.
Clap your hands. Stomp your feet.
Praise Him!
Shout with joy,
Magnify the Lord
Praise Him!

Get up out of your seat.
Clap your hands. Stomp your feet.
Praise Him!
Shout with joy,
Magnify the Lord
Praise Him!

If we dont praise the Lord
The rocks will cry out to Him
Let his exalt the name of Jesus

Get up out of your seat.
Clap your hands. Stomp your feet.
Praise Him!
Shout with joy,
Magnify the Lord.
Praise Him!

Get up out of your seat.
Clap your hands. Stomp your feet.
Praise Him!
Shout with joy,
Magnify the Lord
Praise Him!

If we dont praise the Lord
The rocks will cry out to Him
Let his exalt the name of Jesus
Bridge (spoken): I dont know about you but I dont want no rocks praising Him
for me
I dont need no rocks
I dont need no rocks crying out for me
I dont need no rocks
I dont need no rocks

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